Daniella Gibbons

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Governing Atmospheres

In the beginning, God spoke.

All of creation comes into being from the very word of God. When God created us in His image, He gave us the same ability to create through our words. This is what scripture means when it says we have life and death in our tongue.

We govern the world around us through our words.

Jesus is The Word, and The Word is in us. This is incredibly more powerful than we realize! Jesus even goes as far as to say we can SPEAK to a mountain and it WILL MOVE! Can you imagine how our lives dramatically shift when we come into this revelation!

What you speak will manifest in front of you!

When satan came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, after 40 days of fasting, Jesus never fought satan on his own, even though He could have. With each temptation, Jesus responded with “it is written.” Then, Jesus took the written words of God, directly from holy scripture, and He declared God’s word, God’s truth, displacing the lies of satan.
So, when we take the creative power in our tongue and release the truth of God’s very own words, our words come into agreement with God’s truths and those truths will manifest in front of us!

Think about it! If God’s words are so powerful, all of creation came into being just from being spoken, can you imagine what is being created for generations to come through our agreement and declaration of God’s truths?

I encourage you to try it!! See what shifts in your own life! Find out what God’s word says about you, and speak those truths out loud! Speak them until your mind (which is your soul) and your spirit line up in agreement! You will live transformed by the power of God’s word!
You my friend, are way more loved, way more liked, and way more favored than you have even begun to know!
Hear more of the storyline with Episode 29 of Booth To Ballot where I share in depth about learning to govern our atmosphere and the prophetic invitation I sensed when lightning struck the Washington Monument minutes after our team left the National Mall during a prayer assignment in DC.