Daniella Gibbons

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The religious spirit will always question your legitimacy

When the fight gets heavy, learn to rest. 
The following is how I have learned to steward the fire of God on my life. 
I don’t fit into the world. And I don’t fit into the church. I’ve tried hard to find myself in both of those places, but I wasn’t created for the world or the church. I was created to carry the Kingdom. 

The full Gospel is the humble, laid low, in expectation, seeking the One Thing.  

When we have encountered the fire of God, I think we truly, out of purity, want our friends and leaders to desire the fire, and experience the glory realms as we have and as we know is available to us... and we see the potential our leaders have to lead a great revival, an outpouring of God’s glory. In this pure heart, we stick around, we pray, we hope.. but ultimately, only each person can decide what they want.

The test is in not getting offended.

You may have the most legitimate reasons to get offended. You have labored for decades. You have sowed finances, time, resources, and gifts. You have sacrificed. You have prayed and you have cried. All of it. You have every reason to be offended. 
I have lived this and I hear testimonies from people who are carrying the glory and it is always the same story. A leader who didn’t want glory. A person set on fire who cannot help but burn. And the conflict of the two. 

Can you live above the offense and trust the leadership of Jesus to position you where He needs you?

 Can you find the voice of Jesus in the midst of it all, and trust Him to lead you into more than you can ask, think or imagine possible? Can you get on the trading floor of Heaven with Jesus? Can you get eye to eye with Jesus, tell Him all the stuff and let Him speak a word to you? 
Others do not get to dictate what God has for you. What no eye has seen. What no ear has heard. All that God has prepared for you. Other people are not responsible for what God has for you and your generations. A building does not define you. A job does not define you. Those are earthly measurements. 

Only you will stand in front of the Lord someday and answer how you carried what God had for you.

Leadership around you will not stand on your behalf. Jesus is the only mediator. Leaders should be asking you what Jesus is saying to you, not telling you what Jesus is saying. You are His beloved and you hear His voice for you. At the same time, allow others to hear from Jesus for themselves.
You will not be able to say “God, I didn’t fulfill, and partner with Your prophetic words over my life because my pastor didn’t want the glory.” God is not doing in everyone what He is doing in you. Let the dead bury the dead. Find the heavenly seat above offense, and unapologetically yield, respond and get obedient when the Lord says “this is the way, walk in it.” His words are light to our path.  
There’s so much on the other side of your struggle. Your purpose and destiny are in front of you. You are THE ARK! You are a carrier of His Glory! We are on the edge of the greatest breakthrough! 
This is the revival storyline of every great outpouring. Brokenness will lead to glory! Praise for heaviness! Joy for mourning! There is a great exchange coming! 

I love people. I bless people. But, do not allow others to define how much of God I get to experience. If it’s in the Bible, I want it! 

Following the voice of God may look like a step down in the natural, but it’s always a promotion in the Kingdom. The separation of sheep and goats is taking place. God will not honor those who are not honoring Him. Many churches have become whore houses. Prostitution of gifts and glorification of the flesh. It is done under the guise of culturally relevant, seeker sensitive and same message new methods. Jesus was very specific on the method. He preached the hardest message when the greatest number of people were present. Churches should be a boot camp, a training center where people learn how to be wielded weapons of destruction to darkness. Instead we are taught passivity, and inclusiveness. 
Time is up. Birds have nests, foxes have dens, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head. 
Will you be the ark? Will you be the resting place?
As my dear friend says “you don’t have to burn alone.” 
He is good at setting the lonely in family. 
A scripture I often sing over myself to renew, purify and steady my heart:
Psam 51:10-11 Keep creating in me a clean heart. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you. May you never reject me! May you never take from me your sacred Spirit!